Parental Contract
Click here to download and print a copy
Monday to Friday 07.30 to 18.00. We will be closed on all
Statutory Holidays which are all chargeable.
Monthly fees include all sick days, statutory holidays and holidays taken as these are paid days. Fees are not based on attendance. Refunds and credits will not be given for days where your child does not attend due to sickness or holiday. We do not allow swapping of days unless it is permanent and there is availability. Extra hours are billed at the session rate or hourly rate. See our price list for session times and full time / half time fees.
Parents who qualify for NEG funding will have this amount deducted from the invoice. Any funding from colleges must be in place prior to attendance. All tax efficient funding from your company will not be deducted from the invoice; it is up to the parent/carer to deduct this. Any fees not covered by a subsidy are the parents' responsibility and are payable on the first of each month in advance. All subsided payments must be paid by the first of each month in advance.
Parents agree that all monthly fees (full time and part time attendance) will be paid on the first of each month. Additional sessions will be invoiced around the middle of each month and will be collected for payment with the 10% surcharge each full week over. Unpaid fees may result in immediate suspension or termination of care unless reasonable arrangements are made and accepted by both parties. Extra hours are billed at the session rate or hourly rate. Payment can be made either by cheque, cash credit card or debit card. Full time and part time fees are not based on attendance, therefore parents are responsible for fees whether a child attends or not. (This includes sick days, statutory holidays and holidays booked.) If a parent is on maternity leave/holiday childcare fees are to be
paid in full.
Please advise the nursery prior to 8.30am if the child will not be attending due to illness. Parents agree that a child who is ill (e.g. fever, infection, diarrhoea, communicable disease, or any other type or illness that may be passed on to others, with the exception of the common cold) will be kept at home to protect the well-being of staff and other children in my care. The parents further agree should a child become ill while in our care, that immediate arrangements will be made to remove the child from the nursery. Children will not be allowed to return to the nursery until they have been symptom free for at least 24 hours for a fever and 48 hours for sickness and diarrhoea. In some cases, a note from the doctor may be necessary. By signing this contract you are agreeing to staff seeking any necessary emergency medical advice or treatment during their time at Little Footprints Nursery School.
Please advise the nursery immediately if you will be arriving later than the pre-arranged time to pick up your child. It is the parents' responsibility to ensure that children are picked up on time as agreed with management. If you are not able to pick up your child by the agreed time alternative arrangements must be made.
Please notify the nursery if an unauthorised person will be picking up your child. Verbal or written permission must be received before we will release a child to anyone who is not authorised on the registration form. They must bring photographic I.D. plus a photograph to be kept on file and a password will be used.
In the event that a parent cannot be contacted, it is the policy of Little Footprints Nursery School to call an emergency contact should a child remain in care after the agreed time. A late fee of £5.00 per 5 minutes per child will apply if the child remains in care after the agreed time, unless prior arrangements have been made.
Little Footprints Nursery School reserves the right to suspend or terminate care of any child without notice, should it be deemed necessary for the overall safety and well-being of my family and/or other children in my care.
Parents agree that a minimum notice of one full month (notice to be given in writing) will be given for permanent withdrawal of, or reducing hours of any child from care or agree to pay one month's fee in lieu. The responsibility is of the parents to ensure that the notice has been received by the office. No exceptions will be made.
We will work in conjunction with parents during potty training. If you have a method that has been working for you, please let us know and we will adopt it for your child. Should you discontinue potty training at home, please let us know. If a child shows interest in potty training, we will discuss this with you and probably chose to discontinue and try again at a later date. Parents will be informed when their child's supply of nappies is running low, if nappies are not brought in by parents and nappies from the nursery have to be used parents will be charge £1.00 per nappy for every nappy used. This will be invoiced separately.
A non-refundable registration fee of £25 (per child) is required upon completion of registration to secure your child's placement in care. This deposit is non-refundable. A fees deposit will be charged at £175 once a place has been confirmed. This is refunded once the child has been withdrawn with all necessary notices given and all fees paid to date. If the child's place is cancelled before starting date no fees will be refunded. Once a starting date has been finalised a request to extend it can be submitted in writing however only up to 2 weeks later. All notices have to be written. Spaces will not be held unless the deposit fee is paid in full.
The name of the designated Health & Safety Office is on the main notice board. Any health and safety queries please forward them to the Manager. We would ask all parents to make sure gates and doors are closed when entering or leaving the building and that they are mindful of little fingers. If the nursery has to close due to any health & safety and illness reasons including bad weather, fees will still be due to be paid during the period closed.
Registration is not complete, and care will not commence until all the paper work is completed. Prior to the start date of care the following must be received by us for each child:
- Registration Form
- Immunisation Sheet
- All About Me
- Parent Contract
- Non-Refundable Registration Fee
- Refundable Deposit
- Authorisation from college or employer of subsidised place if appropriate
- Parents National Insurance Number for Child Tax Credit